About the project
Authors of the project:
Velimir Zernovski, Jovanka Popova, Elena Trencheva
Hacking the Future is an open, participative, research project that aims to initiate a process of structural mapping and critical positioning of artistic practices, as well as various types of civil activism which refer to strategic acts related to the public space, media, digital culture and new media.
The conceptual frame of the project was developed during the workshop “Development of curating and mediating contemporary art”, lead by d-r Dorothee Richter, as a part of the international symposium and workshop “Curating Exchange” organized by press to exit project space in Skopje, in 2012.
The project research is based as an open archive that will be constantly updated and in which the rhizomatic merging of digital archives and knowledge recourses with similar subject matter will be treated...