Document Missing: ‘Makedonka’ – emancipation, meaning and desire
External activities | Hristina Ivanoska | Exhibition "The missing document" | organized by The Center for the Research of Nationalism and Culture - Skopje, in collaboration with the Museum and Tiiiit! Inc. | Museum of North Macedonia | 23.07.2022
Exhibition of the artist Hristina Ivanoska, entitled „Document Missing: ‘Makedonka’ – emancipation, meaning and desire“as part of the event Invisible Archives: „Makedonka - Organ of AFW“ (1944-1952): historical experiences and cultural memory"
On Friday, 28.10.2022, starting from 12pm at the Museum of the Republic of North Macedonia - Skopje, The Center for the Research of Nationalism and Culture - Skopje, in collaboration with the Museum and Tiiiit! Inc. will organize promotional event about the comprehensive research of the first women’s magazine in macedonian language “Makedonka - Organ of AFW“ (1944-1952)”.
The event will include an exhibition opening by the artist Hristina Ivanoska, titled „Document Missing: ‘Makedonka’ – emancipation, meaning and desire“. The exhibition is within the frames of the 10th edition of the feminist arts and culture festival FIRSTBORN GIRL.
The second part of the event will include the Round Table: Research Perspectives of the First Macedonian Women's Magazine "Makedonka - Organ of AFW": Individual, Institutional and Public Dimension. This public discussion follows up the promotion of the second volume of text collection published by CINIK - Skopje, titled Invisible Archives: Makedonka - Organ of AFW“ (1944-1952): historical experiences and cultural memory“ edited by Ivana Hadzievska and Jana Kocevska.
The Round table participants are the publications editors and authors, joined by Vera Bunteska (Former President of the Association of National Liberation fighters), Dr. Biljana Kotevska (expert on gender and public policies), and Dushica Lazova ( The event will be moderated by Ana Vasileva.