Exhibition TRANSIT
Еxternal activities | Yane Calovski and Hristina Ivanoska | Group exhibition „Transit” | Zilberman Gallery Berlin | 30 April 29 July, 2023
Zilberman | Berlin is delighted to announce the opening of its new space in Berlin’s Schlüterstraße 45 with the exhibition TRANSIT.
Curated by Lotte Laub and Susanne Weiß, TRANSIT brings together works by Yane Calovski & Hristina Ivanoska, Antje Engelmann, Memed Erdener, Hanna Frenzel, Itamar Gov, Fatoş İrwen, İz Öztat & Zişan & BAÇOY KOOP, Judith Raum, Sim Chi Yin and Annette Weisser.
TRANSIT explores themes such as the condition of being a stranger in exile, the denial of oppression, state-sponsored violence, the endurance of societal conventions, shame and guilt, and the loss of natural interactions between animals and humans.
The name of the exhibition alludes to Anna Seghers‘ novel „Transit“ that she wrote in flight, fearing imminent capture by the Nazis, and completed in exile in Mexico. One of her recurring themes is the relationship between the living and the dead, and how the dead are recalled to life by storytelling. We employ this thought as a leitmotif in our exhibition. TRANSIT addresses the transgenerational passing-on of lived experience; what is absent is rendered visible, even tangible by the works we exhibit.
The group exhibition motifs, presented in Schlüterstraße, are echoed through the history of the location which includes the tragic story of fashion photographer Yva, the Kammer der Kulturschaffenden and Hotel Bogota.
Accompanying the exhibition, a catalogue edited by Lotte Laub and Susanne Weiß will be published.