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Presentation and exhibition │Neda Firfova (MK) │Simple Words with Kana Simplified │

LPE: January 11 – February 05, 2007

Presentation and exhibition titled Simple Words with Kana Simplified by Neda Firfova

The Simple Words with Kana Simplified presentation focuses on Neda Firfova's latest Kana Simplified project, carried out with her mentor at the Tama Art University, Professor Masayuki Yamamoto. Kana Simplified is a Japanese Katakana font design, as the latest stage in Firfova's research on the visual aesthetics of letters, language and meaning. The Kana Simplified project deals with the alphabet from its conceptualization, through font creation, up to its use and promotion. In her presentation Firfova will include a slide show, videos and music documenting urban Tokyo life, relating to her project.

Neda Firfova (1981) is a research student at the Graphic Design Department of the Tama Art University in Tokyo, Japan. In 2006 the Japanese government awarded her with the prestigious Monbukagakusho Scholarship to develop her research in Japan. She graduated in Graphic Art and Design at the Faculty of Fine Arts in Skopje and her designs have won awards at international festivals, such as Magdalena and Terminal in Slovenia. Her main research today is focused on the visualization of language, on letters as forms, and what is popularly defined as semantic typography.